Key Publications: Susanne Schreiber

Susanne Schreiber

Key Publications

1: Hesse J, Schreiber S (2015): Externalization of neuronal somata as an evolutionary strategy for energy economization. Current Biology, 25(8), R324-R325; doi:10.1016/j.cub.2015.02.024.

2: Roemschied FA, Eberhard MJB, Schleimer J-H, Ronacher B, Schreiber S (2014): Cell-intrinsic mechanisms of temperature compensation in a grasshopper sensory receptor neuron. eLife 2014;3:e02078. 

3: Clemens J, Kutzki O, Ronacher B, Schreiber* S, Wohlgemuth* (2011). Efficient transformation of an auditory population code in a small sensory system. PNAS, 108, 13812-13817. *Equal contribution. 

4: Wilmes KA, Sprekeler* H, Schreiber* S (2016): Inhibition as a binary switch for excitatory plasticity in pyramidal neurons. PLoS Comput Biol 12(3): e1004768. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004768. *Equal contribution.

5: Hesse J, Schleimer J-H, Schreiber S (2017): Qualitative changes in phase-response curve and synchronization at the saddle-node loop bifurcation. Phys Rev E, 95, 052203. 

6: Schreiber S, Samengo I, Herz AVM (2009). Two distinct mechanisms shape the reliability of neural responses. J Neurophysiol, 101, 2239-2251.

7: Engel TA, Schimansky-Geier L, Herz AVM, Schreiber* S, Erchova* I (2008). Subthreshold membrane-potential resonances shape spike-train patterns in the entorhinal cortex. J Neurophysiol, 100, 1576-1589. *Equal contribution.

8: Schreiber S, Fellous JM, Tiesinga PHE, Sejnowski TJ (2004): Influence of ionic conductances on spike timing reliability of cortical neurons for suprathreshold rhythmic inputs. J Neurophysiol, 91, 194-205.

9: Schreiber S, Fellous JM, Whitmer D, Tiesinga PHE, Sejnowski TJ (2003). A new correlation-based measure of spike timing reliability. Neurocomputing, 52-54, 925-931.

10: Schreiber S, Machens CK, Herz AVM, Laughlin SB (2002). Energy-efficient coding with discrete stochastic events. Neural Computation, 14, 1323-1346.