Key Publications: Tobias Hauser

Tobias Hauser

Key Publications

1: Dubois M, Habicht J, Michely J, Moran R, Dolan RJ & Hauser TU (2021). Noradrenaline modulates tabula-rasa exploration. eLife

2: Chew B*, Hauser TU*, Papoutsi M, Magerkurth J, Dolan RJ & Rutledge RB (2019). Endogenous fluctuations in the dopaminergic midbrain drive choice variability. Proc Natl Acad Sci US

3: Ziegler G*, Hauser TU*, Moutoussis M, Bullmore ET, Goodyer IM, Fonagy P, Jones PB, NSPN Consortium, Lindenberger U & Dolan RJ (2019). Compulsivity and impulsivity are linked to distinct developmental trajectories of fronto-striatal myelination. Nature Neuroscience. doi: 10.1101/328146

4: Hauser TU, Eldar E, Purg N, Moutoussis M & Dolan RJ (2019). Distinct roles of dopamine and noradrenaline in incidental memory. J Neurosci

5: Hauser TU, Will GJ, Dubois M & Dolan RJ (201). Developmental Computational Psychiatry. J Child Psychol Psychiatry 60(4): 412-426

6: Hauser TU, Eldar E & Dolan RJ (2017). Separate mesocortical and mesolimbic pathways encode effort and reward learning signals. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 114(35):E7395-E7404

7: Hauser TU*, Allen M*, Purg N, Moutoussis M, Rees G & Dolan RJ (2017). Noradrenaline blockade specifically enhances metacognitive performance. eLife 6:e24901

8: Hauser TU, Fiore V, Moutoussis M & Dolan RJ (2016). Computational psychiatry of ADHD: Neural gain impairments across Marrian levels of analysis. Trends Neurosci 39(2):63-73

9: Hauser TU, Iannaccone R, Ball J, Mathys C, Brandeis D, Walitza S* & Brem S* (2014). Role of the medial prefrontal cortex in impaired decision making in juvenile Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. JAMA Psychiatry 71(10):1165-1173

10: Hauser TU, Iannaccone R, Stämpfli P, Drechsler R, Brandeis D, Walitza S & Brem S (2014). The Feedback-Related Negativity (FRN) revisited: New insights