Key Publications: Georgia Rapti

Georgia Rapti

Key Publications

1: Yang F, Bevilacqua C, Hambura S, Neves A, Gopalan A, Watanabe K, Govendir M, Bernabeu M, Ellenberg J, Diz-Muñoz A, Köhler S, Rapti G, Jechlinger M and Prevedel, R, (2023), Pulsed stimulated Brillouin microscopy enables high-sensitivity mechanical imaging of live and fragile biological specimens,; accepted in Nature Methods

2: Rapti G *, (2022), Open frontiers in neural cell type investigations; lessons from C. elegans and beyond, towards a multimodal integration. Front Neurosci. 2022 Mar 7;15:787753, invited review,

3: Rapti G*, (2021), A perspective on C. elegans neurodevelopment: from early visionaries to booming neuroscience research., (2021),  J Neurogenet, 2021 Jan 14: 259-272, invited review,

4: Alcedo J, Jin Y, Portman DS, Prahlad V, Raizen D, Rapti G, et al, (2021), Nature’s gift to neuroscience. J Neurogenet, 2021 Jan 14: 223-224.

5: Rapti G *, Li C, Shan A, Lu Y, Shaham S.* , (2017), Glia initiate C. elegans brain assembly through non-canonical Chimaerin/Furin axon guidance. Nat Neurosci. 2017 Oct;20(10):1350-1360.

6: Boulin T, Rapti G ¶, Briseño-Roa L ¶, Stigloher C ¶, Richmond J, Paoletti P, Bessereau JL. Nat Neurosci. ¶ Equal contribution (2012) Positive modulation of a Cys-loop acetylcholine receptor by an auxiliary transmembrane subunit. Nat Neurosci. 2012 Oct;15(10):1374-81.

7: Rapti G, Richmond J, Bessereau JL. (2011) A single immunoglobulin-domain protein required for clustering acetylcholine receptors in C. elegans. EMBO J. 2011 Feb 16;30(4):706-18.  

8: Gendrel M., Rapti G, Richmond J, Bessereau JL. (2009) A secreted complement-control-related protein ensures acetylcholine receptor clustering. Nature. 2009 Oct 15;461(7266):992-6.

9: Parisiadou L, Bethani I, Michaki V, Krousti K, Rapti G, Efthimiopoulos S. Neurobiology of Disease. (2008) Homer2 and Homer3 interact with amyloid precursor protein and inhibit Abeta production. Neurobiol Dis. 30:353-364. (2008) doi: 10.1016/j.nbd.2008.02.004